
Education and Training

Mrs. Helina Yuk

Part-time lecturer of The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Chairman of Social Work Mission


沃馮嬿琼女士為前任香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心總幹事,曾帶領機構同工在任十八年間持續開展各項針對弱勢社群需要的服務,並與不同類型的政府及私人基金合作,推動各項以証為本的社區服務計劃,具豐富非政府福利服務機構管理及發展創新性服務經驗。沃女士現時除了擔任香港中文大學社工系兼職講師 (主要負責社會企業課程) ,以及北斗薈萃主席外,亦為香港社會服務聯會社創基金Impact Incubator首席顧問,以及香港社企總會理事。

Mrs. Helina Yuk is the former Director of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Lady MacLehose Centre, leading the agency for 18 years to develop different new and innovative service projects catering for the disadvantaged community. She has extensive experience in social welfare agency administration and has worked with different government departments and private funding bodies to provide various pilot and evidence-based services for the deprived targets. Mrs. Yuk is now a part-time lecturer at the Social Work Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (mainly teaching courses on social enterprises) and the Chairman of Social Work Mission. She is also the HKCSS SIE fund Impact Incubator lead consultant, responsible for nurturing social entrepreneurs and Council member of Hong Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises.