
Education and Training

Mr. Kenny Leung

CEO of IOT Solution Limited

Founder of STEAM VR Experence Center
Founder and Vice President of Hong Kong Education Association
Marker of Student Formula Coding Competition
Marker of Beijing and Hong Kong Youth


Mr. Leung is a serial entrepreneur of Education Technology Industry in Asia. He set up IOT Solution Limited in 2016. The award-winning company serves as a one-stop STEAM education solution provider for primary and secondary schools, with the aim to promote STEAM education across Hong Kong and rest of China.

Supported by Cyberport Accelerator Support Programme, Gungho Space in Foshan, and many more partners, IOT Solution Limited offers a wealth of STEAM education resources and activities. This ranges from AR/VR + STEAM experience and learning platform, AI, to coding and robotics platform, delivered in the form of workshops, fairs, educational kits, competitions, and exchange programmes.