
Information Technology

Dr. William Kwan

Former Chairman of HKSPIN

Life Chartered Fellow of British Computer Society
Life Fellow of Hong Kong Computer Society
Chartered Engineer in UK
Chartered IT Professional in UK
Information Systems Professional in Canada


Dr. Kwan is a seasoned IT professional with thirty-year experience in the financial sector. Before founding his own start-up company, he was the IT Compliance Team Lead in Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing.

Dr. Kwan was the Chair of HKSPIN, a professional group promoting software and systems process improvement practices in Hong Kong. He had been a visiting lecturer and delivered postgraduate courses in project management, software evolution, and software maintenance. He is also a founding member of Engineering Without Borders (Hong Kong), an NGO with missions to improve the living of disadvantaged communities and promote sustainable development.

Dr. Kwan earned a bachelor's degree with honors in computing science from the University of Alberta, a master's degree in quality management, and a Ph.D. from Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Acquired professional certifications include CISA, CISSP, CSQA, and PMP.

Dr. Kwan has a wide spectrum of knowledge and experience, including IT governance, compliance, risk management, information security, quality assurance, and system development. The following engagements show the breadth of his experience during his work for the leading Hong Kong financial institutions:
• Governance frameworks for project management, system development, and security management
• Assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of IT controls
• Assurance reviews, security and risk assessments of mission-critical IT projects
• Implementation of continuous quality improvement processes
• Business impact analysis and continuity planning
• IT integration for a large scale bank merger project
• Design and implementation of system development and change management workflow
• Design and development of various banking systems